Santa Cruz County One Stop is known for our educational and occupational skills training for people who are looking for work. Yet, we’re also a one-stop shop for employers who need to grow their businesses by hiring new candidates and improving current employees’ skillsets. We understand that employers need convenient solutions and rapid results, and we’re here to provide them with our workforce development program. Connect with our business outreach specialist or other friendly team members today and get started growing your Southern Arizona business.
Local businesses and national companies with local offices have unique needs and concerns here in Southern Arizona. Our business outreach specialist works closely with business owners, executives, and hiring managers. We strive to identify those unique needs, and to adapt our job training programs and career planning services accordingly.
For example, we’ve heard from many local employers that their current employees need to upgrade their skills or acquire soft skills, and that they need more qualified job candidates to fill new openings. Santa Cruz County One Stop is working to meet those needs to help our local economy stay strong.
In addition to posting a job ad through Santa Cruz County One Stop, you can use our onsite Resource Center to grow your business. You can conduct a presentation to job candidates to inform them of the requirements of the position and discuss the hiring process. You could host a hiring event such as a job fair, pass out job applications, and even conduct job interviews in our private conference room. Our workforce development program team will handle the logistics of your event and advertise it to our occupational program participants.
Did you know that Santa Cruz County One Stop can help you reduce your tax burden while simultaneously connecting you to qualified, hard-working employees who will help you grow your business? When you hire certain individuals, you can qualify for impactful federal and/or state tax incentives, such as the WOTC tax credit. You can contact our business outreach specialist for further information about employment tax credits.
The Santa Cruz County Workforce Development Youth Program is an important avenue to career development. The Youth Program allows participants the opportunity to develop working skills, increase academic achievement, set career goals, earn wages, and learn about the workplace. As a participant in this program, your organization will play a key role in helping the youth participant have a productive experience.
Our WIOA Youth Program includes a comprehensive program for young people ages 14–24 who face barriers to education, training, and employment. The program has 14 required elements — such as offering tutoring, paid and unpaid work experiences, and leadership-development opportunities — and gives preference to supporting out-of-school youth. Our local youth-serving programs deliver services in partnership with American Job Centers and under the guidance of local Workforce Development Boards.
At Santa Cruz County One Stop, you can continue your education, master the English language, develop a customized career pathway, receive job placement assistance, and much more! All you have to do is take the first step. Contact us today to begin working toward a better tomorrow.